Thursday, September 27, 2012

Soccer Game 2

Ben had his second soccer game this past weekend. He is definitely getting better and more confident but still very foggy on what he is supposed to do or even what the concept of soccer is. We practice at home and he does a great job kicking the ball in the goal but when you add in all the other little kids chasing the ball, it gets pretty confusing. 
He got to play against one of his good buddies, Emerson, who was also clueless. Although there are no winners or losers in this league and no score boards, we are certain that Emerson's team whopped our tushies. All of us parents are convinced that the opposing team raided the local 1st and 2nd grade classrooms because they were big and mean and knew what they were supposed to do with the ball. Whatever, the kids had fun and so did we!

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