Thursday, September 13, 2012

Greek Festival, Part I

Every Labor Day weekend is our favorite festival of the entire year in Monterey... drum roll, please... The Greek Festival! This year we got to drag both boys to the fabulousity. Both boys were asleep when we got there so we put them in the double stroller and strolled around til we could find the perfect table for 1) easy access to the food and drink stands & 2) unobstructed people watching.
If someone is a 'Franc-o-phile,' they love all things French. Whatever the word is for a lover of all things Greek aptly describes me and Jeff and now the newest devotee, Ben! Brody, just wait til next year little man and you can become part of the club!
Here Jeff and I are thoroughly enjoying our gyro and Mythos (Greek beer we had daily on our honeymoon) :

Ben has just woken up from his nap and has zero idea how lucky he is about to become...

Now he is! You can't tell from this pic but he has just had his first bite of gyro and for the boy who does not like meat, he devoured an entire gyro! His second course was dessert... Greek donuts (Loukomedes...sp?) dipped in honey and nuts and he devoured those, too!

Part II of the Greek Festival to come tomorrow!

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