Saturday, September 8, 2012

1st Day of Pre School

Ben's 1st day of pre-school was this past Tuesday. He has been so excited for pre-school this entire summer and talking about it constantly so Jeff and I couldn't wait to see how his first day would go. So... Tuesday morning came and we were up at 5:00am so excited for Ben and in very rare form, Ben slept in til 7:00am.
Here we are waking Ben up on his first day of school :
Of course Gommie came to help celebrate the occasion  by seeing him off on his first day!

About to leave for school so we aren't late on the first day :

And yep, we got there about 10 minutes early. Luckily, there was one other boy, Sebastian, there waiting for school to start. Ben had never met him before but they immediately took to each other and were inseparable until school was over that first day.

Here Ben and his new friend Sebastian are waiting for Miss Margaret to open the doors for school to start. They are both looking in their 'share' bags which they are supoosed to fill each school day with a different themed item to share with the class. This week's theme was red... On Tuesday, Ben brought a red Hudson Hornet fighter jet. On Thursday, big shocker here... Ben brought another plane, this time a red and white jumbo jet. What do they say about boys and one track minds...?!?

The minute Miss Margaret opened the doors, both Ben and Sebastian took off inside and were so excited, they didn't even say goodbye to Jeff or I. But the prize was them being the first on the playground, down the slide and playing with the telescope.

All in all, Ben had a great first week of school. In true boy form, he doesn't give us too many details of his day other than one word answers but he is excited for next week so we'll be happy with that!
Cheers to you, big guy! So happy you love school... we will just need to remind you of this about 10 years from now, most likely!!

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