Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kinder Kicks Soccer

Ben started soccer this past weekend, Kinder Kicks soccer to be exact... pretty much a pee wee soccer league. We had been looking forward to soccer starting for pretty much the entire summer and finally Saturday arrived! His friend, Catherine, was on his team and all in all, he had a great first game.
This pee wee league has no goalie, doesn't post scores and lets everyone play an equal amount of time... basically to teach the kids about soccer, to have fun and not be too competitive. So... we start the day off with Ben in a uniform that is literally about 4 sizes too big even though they swear the extra small is equivalent to a 3T. Then when we arrive, all the kids who were supposed to be between 3-4 were mostly 4 and just about to turn 5. So... these kids had all played before and understood the concept of kicking the ball in the goal. Even though we had practiced with Ben in the back yard, he didn't quite get this concept. So... there was a lot of running in circles, pretend falls and slides and stopping mid kick to watch the plane over head. Ben did get one assist and threw the ball in from the sidelines twice so we will consider that a great showing. Ben did have a great time, though, and can't wait to go back this weekend!

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