Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Best Weekend EVER!

For those of you that know our Ben, you know he is OBSESSED with planes, rockets, shuttles, helicopters, fighter jets... pretty much anything in the sky. So... this weekend just happened to be the best weekend of Ben's whole 3 years. You are probably asking "why?" Let me elaborate...
Exhibit A : While the Space Shuttle Endeavor was on its retirement flight from the east coast to southern California, it made a 'fly by' in front of the Monterey Aquarium. Along with all the news crews and revelers, Ben waited almost 2 hours (which is like a lifetime to a 3 year old) for the Endeavor to pass by. Keep in mind that when Ben You-Tube's all the NASA rocket launches, his favorite that he always goes back to is the Endeavor which made this day all that much more special. On with our story... Just shy of 11:00am, the Space Shuttle Endeavor (on top of a 747 Jumbo Jet and followed by a fighter pilot, no less) literally buzzed the aquarium, so close Ben could practically touch it. Needless to say, this was beyond a highlight for our little man and he couldn't stop smiling or talking about it for days. Until...
Exhibit B : This past weekend was the Salinas Airshow. As long as I can remember, the airshow has been a big attraction in the early fall here on the Monterey Peninsula. Not that I've ever been or had any interest in going. That is until I birthed a fighter jet loving little boy. As you can see from the pictures below, Ben showed up in his fighter jet jump suit and ear plugs ready to enjoy an amazing day. The sun was out, the fighter jets were loud, the Air Force Thunderbirds buzzed just over head and Ben actually got to go inside an Air Force freighter plane.
According to Ben, this really was his best weekend EVER!

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