Monday, September 10, 2012

Monterey Fair, Part I

Ben has been going to the Monterey Fair every year of his life to date and always has the best day. This year was no different except he got to enjoy it with his new brother. With the sun out in full force, Gommie and I escorted the little men through one of their favorite events of the year.
At the entrance sitting with my favorite big guy!
The Monterey fair is very 'small town.' The 4H groups have contests to see who has the best cow, chicken, goat etc etc. One of Ben's favorite parts of the fair is to go tour the livestock. The cows are always a crowd pleaser but this year, Ben got a real kick out of the ducks and bunnies.

For whatever reason, fair food is oh so tasty even though it is oh so naughty. I promised Ben a treat if he had all his lunch earlier in the day and when we got to the fair, all he wanted was an ice cream sundae. Little did we know it would be enough for 4 people to split. Ben didn't mind its big size, though... with caramel oozing from every side, he had a great time devouring the dessert!

Finally, I can go on rides with Ben again since I am not pregnant anymore. During my pregnancy, we went to every possible place for kid roller coasters that I had to sit back and watch Ben go on and have fun with his Dad. Now it was our turn to go on the Wacky Worm and Ben looooved it! So did I... big time!

Gommie and Ben's fair traditions always include a go on the carosel and as you can see, Gommie was really having a great time!

Ben REALLY wanted to go on the kayak ride 'all by himself' so he took a spin. It wasn't as fast or crazy as he'd like so he only took one spin around the track.

                                   The entire time at the fair, Ben wanted to go on the pirate ship that went almost in a full circle. Adults weren't allowed and he said he would be fine going solo so up he went all by himself much to his mother and grandmother's chagrin. But... when the older girls climbed in next to him and behind him, his swagger came out in full force and he seriously showed off for them. Lord help us!                                      

Part II to come tomorrow... stay tuned!

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