Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pre-School Highs and Lows

Ben has been in pre-school for a week and a half now and here is a quick re-cap of the highs and lows we've encountered to date...
1. Ben loves school. He wants to go back every day even though it is only 2 days per week. (This one trumps all the 'pre-school lows' you are about to read but they are still worth mentioning)
1. Ben got a small cold on day one. Nothing major but still a cold.
2. Mom got an eye infection. Not pink eye but still an eye infection. Not fun.
3. Ben has learned the word 'turd' and is very happy to use it multiple times a day.
4. Ben really loves Spiderman because Sebastian had a Spiderman backpack on the first day of school. Ben doesn't know Spiderman from President Obama but he still loves Spiderman.

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