Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving, Part 3, Grand Finale

Since it was raining back home, we did as much as possible outside including croquet and golf.
 The area that Jeff's parents live in has a real croquet court, not just a lawn that they transform but a course that stays up all year long.
 Ben had no interest in playing croquet, go figure! True to his personality, he was literally running around the entire court and moving people's balls and whacking the mallot wherever he felt needed a good whack.
 And true to Olivia's personality, she was content just taking the beauty of the location, playing quietly with her Mom and watching Ben go nuts moving everyone's balls.
 All the Bolger Boys (minus the littlest one) went golfing on Thanksgiving morning.
 We came out a cheered on Dad and Uncle Pat for a little bit.
 Ben wasn't aware of the rules and had no intention of being quiet while the golfers were teeing off so we made a quick exit.
 Bolger men deep in thought.
 Pat hasn't golfed in years so golfing with his twin, younger brother and Dad was a real treat for Jeff.
 Good bye, Palm Desert and Vacation.
 We sure did love the time off and the chance to relax with family.

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