Thursday, December 23, 2010

SCU Holiday Party, Part 2

It always sounds like a great idea to line all the sweet little kids up on the couch for a picture. Sure, great idea... until...
 Ben Bolger decides to dive bomb the rest of the quiet little couch sitters. Yep, his Dad was so proud that Ben has picked up crowd surfing early. This pic below doesn't quite capture the full dive but it was quite the spectacle. None of the other kids had any clue what was about to happen.
 Our favorite doctor in the whole world, Dr. Koontz!
 Mama Koontz and Khloe, both blonde beauties for sure :)
 Just back from their Hawaiian honeymoon, Katie & Ben were still glowing and tanned... perfect for the stormy, grey weather in the Bay Area.

Fabulous friends and Amazing Memories = Happy Bolgers

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE being on the Bolger blog!!! Loved seeing you guys, we love you! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
