Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving, Part 2

Swimming & playing were Ben & Olivia's favorite parts of Thanksgiving in the desert. Every morning they'd swim and then they'd play all afternoon. Not a bad vacation!
 Jeff & Ben
 Pat & Olivia
 No more pool time. Time to unwind in the hot tub because, you know, it's probably about 9:30/10:00am and the kids are exhausted from playing and swimming and being excellent vacationers... 
 Fast forward to after morning nap & we're at play time.
 Who doesn't love play time?!?
Ben can't decide what todo next... Chase the dog or chase Olivia??? 
 Yep, we brought the trusty Huggies box down with us. Once again, it provided loads of fun for the kids.
 Olivia and Ben have very different personalities but they did have such fun together. Ben is more 'out there' and into EVERYTHING and wants to know what's going on with anything and everyone. Olivia is more calm (I'm told that's the difference between boys and girls) and tends to stay in one place much longer than Ben. She is also more cuddly and a little more thoughtful. Such sweet babies :)

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