Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lions, Tigers and Penguins, Oh My!

We had a great Saturday at the San Francisco Zoo with the fabulous as always Goines Family! We always love seeing our favorite Goineses :) We had never been to the SF Zoo and in fact, Ben has never been to any zoo anywhere so we were pretty excited to see his reactions. We walk in through the entry and who's sitting there and welcoming all of the visitors but good Ol' Saint Nick! So, of course, we thought Ben would just love to see Santa Claus. But, as you can see, Ben was not really having fun, he was more confused and just not thrilled with the idea of being left on some big random man's lap.
 So, Santa didn't go so well... on to a definite crowd please, the petting farm!
 Ben & Jake looved the goats, sheep and other critters running around.
 You can buy goat and sheep food there and the tots loved feeding the hoofed wonders. Ben, being a true Bolger boy, tried to eat the goat food. Lovely, Ben. This pic below is when the intuitive goats started to surround Jenny while she was getting their food from the dispenser. The white goat pictured was a pretty gutsy goat and actually nipped Jenny in hopes of getting the nibbles.
More zoo pics to come, stay tunned!

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