Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Annual SCU Holiday Party

This Sunday was our annual holiday party and gift exchange with our SCU besties! A few faces were missing but we had such fun at the Drogin's amazing new home in San Mateo.
 It was such a change to have the adults nearly outnumbered by toddlers. Just a few years back, there were no babies to speak of... yet. We met the most wonderful life long friends at Santa Clara and always so look forward to our annual holiday get together.
 Baby Khloe Koontz and Big Boy Jake Goines are going to be some of Ben's besties down the line... perhaps when they all go to SCU for college?! (hint hint)
 Bro-mance??? (Both Ben & Khloe look thrilled, don't they?)
Ben was beyond enamoured with Mama Beck in a major way. She does have two little boys and definitely has good baby ju-ju. Plus, he has a thing for tall blondes...

Stay tuned for more pics tomorrow...

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