Saturday, July 21, 2012

Welcome Brody!

Welcome Brody Patrick Bolger, born Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 8:23am.
9lbs, 5oz; 21.5inches long.
(Yes, that qualifies as a big baby!)

We were scheduled for a C-Section on the morning of Wed, July 18 but Brody had his own plans. Around 2:00am on Tuesday, my water broke putting all our plans out the window. Gommie and Papa sped over since Ben was asleep, the toilet overflowed in a major way just before leaving for the hospital so Jeff had to clean it up, then when we got to the hospital, they wanted to wait until 7:30am for the C-Section because a majority of the staff would have been 'on call' doctors.

Long story short, Brody arrived at 8:23am on Tuesday. We spent 4 days in the hospital (with horrible wi-fi hence the blog update now) and are now home attempting to come up with a new routine and schedule.

Ben is doing pretty good with the transition but doesn't understand why Mommy can't pick him up like she used to. Brody is a real angel, he is as sweet as can be. Jeff is super Dad in a major way taking care of Ben and helping me since I am a little out of sorts physically after the C Section.

Part I - Pics of the big day...

Arriving at the hospital at 3:30am Tuesday. This was before we found out the C Section would still be another 3-4 hours away and Jen would get to go thru some contractions. Fun stuff.

Gommie and Jeff scrubbing in for the C Section...

Jen meeting Brody for the first time!

Back in our room, Daddy and Brody bonding time...

and Mommy and Brody bonding time, too!

More Pics to come in the next few days...

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