Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ben's 3 Year Stats

With the impending arrival of Baby Boy Bolger 2, we are getting all of our annual appointments done now in hopes of making life a smidge easier when he arrives. We went to Ben's 3 year appointment this past week and here is the latest and greatest on our 3 year old dude!

Weight - 30.4lbs (35% percentile)
Height - 38 inches (65% percentile)
*Dr speculates that Ben will be somewhere around 5"11' once grown since he is trending around the 65-75% percentile in height since birth.

A few of Ben's Favorites :

Food - Tuna Sandwhiches, Watermelon, Grapes, any kind of chips or crackers, Corn on the Cob is a real Ben pleaser and then any form of berry, especially strawberry. His most recent love is apricots and nectarines but this is based on Jen's pregnancy cravings, we think...

Toys - Anything rockets or planes. The kid is literally obsessed with anything that flys including helicopters and if it flies to the moon or outer space, even better. Bunster is still Ben's favorite 'friend' but Dorothy the sting ray and Big Brother Bunster run a close second and third.

Activities - Trampoline, swimming, gymnastics class, petting the sting rays at the Aquarium and anything that gets him really messy especially rolling in sand at the beach.

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