Saturday, July 7, 2012

'Catch Up' Pics

Here are a few 'catch up' pictures from June that I haven't had a chance to post...

For Ben's birthday, Grandma and Grandpa sent him a tent. He loved it! When he opened it, he and his Dad put it together immediately and Ben went to get everything he could possibly find from thru out the house and put it in his new tent. Fun was had but let's just say clean up for Mom was not as much fun.

Baby Gear - with Baby 2 coming in less than 3 weeks, we are testing out all our new baby gear including the new double Bob. Love it! Obviously snoozing Ben does too!

Yep, he is still obsessed with rockets and planes... Here Ben is pretending to be a rocket taking off on top of a box that is on top of our kitchen table. You can't fault him for being creative with his love of all things rockets.

All 3 of us went on a walk the other weekend on the rec trail because the weather was gorgeous. While Ben snoozed, we got a few pics together... which doens't seem to happen too often, for some reason...

Back in early June for my birthday, we went to a fun Swiss fondue restaurant to celebrate. Food was great but whoever had the genius idea (me, unfortunately) to bring a handsy toddler to a restaurant with open flames on the table really didn't think things thru very well...

Lunch at Original Joe's in down town San Jose. Jeff and Ben had never been to the institution and boy, what a fun lunch!

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