Monday, July 9, 2012

Ben's 3rd Birthday Par-tay! (Part 1)

This past Saturday was Ben's 3rd birthday party and boy did he have fun! All of his friends came to help him celebrate and by the time 3:00pm rolled around, Ben was beyond exhausted from having had so much fun.

The day started at the Del Monte beach for face painting, lunch, playing in the sand and all in all, *somewhat* organized chaos. But honestly, all 3 year old birthday parties seem to be in some stage of chaos and our birthday boy was having the best time so we were fine running after him (well, Jeff did the running) while he explored, played and hammed it up with his friends.

Here the party is just getting started at Del Monte Beach...

Tiny, the clown, did face paintings and balloon animals. Brace yourself for what Ben got painted on him... if you guessed rockets and planets, you are very right!

Who goes to the beach without rolling in the sand and throwing it on your friends? Here, Ben, Hayden, Jakey and Lauren are doing the 3 year old version of building a sand castle.

Handsome boy, beautiful day and awesome view...

Benny and his BFF Jakey along with the Dads having some bro-time.

Ben and Jakey were literally inseparable the entire party... it was pretty darn cute. When asked the next day, he told his grandparents that Jakey is his best friend. Melted my heart just a little bit.

Party Part 2 to come next...

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