Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bussi Time

Our friends, the Bussi Family, drove from San Rafael to Ben's birthday party and decided to make a weekend of it. They were going to get a hotel but we figured Ben and Maxine Bussi would have loads of fun with a sleep over.

We were very right that Ben and Maxine were just as tight as peas and carrots and got along beyond famously!

Playtime with the rocket sunglasses has begun...

After a long afternoon of playing, Ben insisted on reading Maxine a bedtime story. That didn't pan out so well so Paul read both kids 'If You Give a Pig a Pancake.' They still both refused to go to bed even though it was waaaay past their bedtimes...

We woke up on Sunday morning, the morning of Ben's actual 3rd birthday, and went on a quick hike to the 'lake' by our house. (When we say lake, it really is more of a watering hole/pond)...

The whole purpose of going to the lake is to throw rocks into the lake. Ben is a boy which means throwing rocks is in his DNA. Maxine being a girl... not so much... until Ben showed her how. They both have a pretty mean arm on them!

The rock throwing was over and the sun was out so we went to the pool...
Apparently the parents were taking too long to get ready and pack up so Maxine and Ben had a milk cocktail and played in the pillows...

Paul, Nicole and Leo Bussi in the kid pool...

After a long day and a half of celebrating in the sun, an exhausted Ben nearly fell asleep in my arms at the pool... until his grilled cheese arrived... yes, he is a true Bolger boy!

Full bellies, tons of play time done, warm sun... yep, they both took a little cat nap by the pool...

With the 3rd birthday festivities behind us, now we have a week and a half until Ben's little brother arrives... so... we get to wait... wait... wait... try to be patient (which Jeff is good at but not his wife)... spend as much time with our little dude while he is still an only child...

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