Saturday, December 8, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving sure did come and go quickly and now, somehow, it is the Christmas season. But to recap Turkey Day, 2012, here goes...
Jeff challenged me to complete the Toro Park Turkey Trot. It was a 5k (3.1miles) at 8:00am on Thanksgiving morning. He said he would be able to beat me so of course, my competitive side came out. Granted it was a short distance but I still trained like crazy the 2 weeks before because there was NO way I was going to let him win. And you know what... I won! Yep, sure did! It may have only been by a nose, and well, he was pushing the two boys in a 60lb-ish Bob stroller but I totally won!
Then we went to Gommie and Papa's for the feast with my brother and his family. Ben even wore the turkey crown he made. Written on the feathers of the crown were the things he was thankful for... Airplanes (shocker there), popcorn (the boys does love popcorn), teeny tiny airplanes (of course), lettuce (huh??!), travis (double huh??!) and so on...

Quick golf break between turkey and dessert...

Yep, he is totally rocking a bow tie, thank you very much! Too cute!

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