Friday, December 21, 2012

Hot Chocolate

We aren't really sure why but Ben has been obsessed with hot chocolate recently. Not that he has had it before but obsessed none-the-less. So, 'tis the season yadda yadda yadda we made hot chocolate this past Sunday. Marshmallow and all. Now for those of you that don't have active, hyper little boys, you won't appreciate this but we were strategic in our timing on the hot chocolate. WELL before bed time because chocolate and sleep don't go hand in hand for 3 year old boys. In fact, hot chocolate was his afternoon snack... he loved it, of course. We may have created a monster with this one...

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh that is so funny! We have the same cup for K (I bought it last year in anticipation of this year) and we introduced her to hot chocolate last weekend, she is now OBSESSED too!! ha ha!! We'll have to get them together to have a hot chocolate date! Love you Bolgers!
