Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Birthday, Bunster

Ben informed us on Sunday night as he was going to sleep that the following day was Bunster's 4th birthday. For those of you that don't know Bunster, he is Ben's beloved bunny. He made sure to relay from Bunster that the bunny really wanted a cupcake to celebrate. So... it's 10:00pm on a Sunday night and Jeff and I finally get a sick Brody to bed and are trying to come up with some way of decorating so that when Bunster wakes on his birthday, he gets excited. Great plan, we thought, let's go with it.
So... a roll of streamers and some impromptu decorations later, we were all set for the big day. Ben and Bunter woke up, we sang, he opened a birthday present and then blew the candle out and made a wish. If this doens't go down in the "going the extra mile to put a smile on your kid's face" hall of fame, then I don't know what does.
Happy 4th Birthday to Bunster!

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