Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Halloween Catch Up

It's been a long time since we've updated the blog because November was a bit of a sad month with the passing of Sophie Lou. But, we are feeling better and ready to recount what has gone on the last few weeks.
We never did post about Halloween so here goes... talk about a blast from the past... We had a little Halloween party for a few of Ben's friends and their parents because the neighborhood we live in goes bonkers over Halloween and trick or treating. So... we figured why not!?!
Ben's Jack o Lantern is the smallest one of the left. He did it himself!
Skeleton veggie tray for the party...

Jack O Lantern pizza...

and Mummy dogs!

Brody, aka cutest giraffe ever, decided it was bottle time literally as we were walking out the door to trick or treat. So... have bottle, will travel...

Ben got to trick or treat with his good buddy, Emerson, and had a great night and scored lots of candy (that Mom and Dad may or may not have eaten while Ben was sleeping...)

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