Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pool Day

Summer on the Monterey Peninsula is finally here... in fact, it has been on the hot side. This past weekend, we got to the low 80's which for some of our viewers is winter-ish weather but for us, it is darn hot. So, now that we are back to functioning relatively normally, we thought this past Saturday was a great day to go to the pool!

Here the hot Bolger boys are getting ready to take a dip...

Daddy and Benny bonding time in the big boy pool...

Ben loved the kid pool, too, because he was able to splash and play without Mom or Dad since it was really shallow...

Cooling off after a day of swimming with a frosty beverage and some BBQ really capped off a great day!

And what, you may be asking, did our sweet little Brody do while his brother enjoyed pool day... ?!? Yep, you guessed it, he snoozed the entire time!

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