Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mangia Mangia!

The past week or two has proved trying at dinner time attempting to get Ben to eat dinner. He isn't a picky eater at all, he actually will eat almost anything. But actually getting him to eat dinner has been our struggle. He will either not want any food or keep it in his cheek like a chipmunk. So... I had this self-proclaimed brilliant idea that if I get him involved with helping me make dinner, maybe he will be more interested in eating it. Well, it kinda worked. We got him to eat a bit but really not anything to write home about... Back to the drawing board, I guess...

But... here is our arrancini making session on Monday. Arrancini are italian rice/risotto balls with cheese or meat in the middle. Once cooked, the cheese is gooey and awesome. So... here is Ben just about to get messy, good thing he wore an apron...

Here is the end product before cooking. He had a great time getting messy and was actually pretty darn proud of what he made... if only I could get him to eat more...

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