Sunday, August 19, 2012

Birthday Celebration!

While the Boulder Bolgers were here for a visit, we got to celebrate Shannon's birthday. We planned a really fun day in Carmel Valley with wine tasting, lunch in the sun at Baja Cantina then back to our house for dinner and cake.

Here is a cute pic of Shannon and Olivia at Georis winery. We chose Georis because they have an enclosed outdoor tasting area with bird aviaries and ponds so Ben and Olivia would be entertained while we were tasting...

But both Ben and Brody snooozed the entire hour we were at the winery... hence the big smile on Jeff's face! Wine tasting + sunny day in the Valley + napping tots = happy Dad!

If you are a 3 year old, what is the best part of any birthday celebration? It is the cake, of course! And the ice cream cake did not disappoint, that is for sure! It is a good thing we did cake a bit early so that the kids could run off the sugar energy before bed time...

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