Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Play Time with Maxine

We drove up to San Rafael (near Sonoma) this past Saturday to help Paul Bussi celebrate his 35th birthday. The boys went off to the Lagunitas brewery for a brewery tour so Nicole and I stayed back with the kids and had a really fun afternoon of catching up. Ben and Maxine were thrilled to be reconnected and were literally attached at the hip for 5+ hours. By the end of the afternoon, Maxine was saying... "Ben Ben, come let's play... Ben Ben, let's go cook in the kitchen... Ben Ben..." It was beyond cute.

Here Maxine and "Ben Ben" are having a picnic. Totally unprompted, they took her pretend kitchen supplies over to the entry area of the house and set up a picnic. Pretty much the cutest thing ever...

Maxine has a strider bike like Ben but she wasn't too keen on it because she wasn't too sure how to ride it. Until Ben taught her...

Some of the boys on the brewery tour were spending the night at the Bussi's so before we left for home, we helped set up the aero bed. Of course the kids think that is an open invitation for jump fest...

Saying goodbye is never fun. Here we told Ben and Maxine to give each other a hug goodbye. This is what they did rather than hug each other. Literally... both kids did this at the same time without seeing the other do it... a bit spooky and a lot cute...

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