Friday, September 2, 2011

A Whole New World...

We are a household of 2 boys and 2 girls... but one of the girls is a four legged terrier so really, Jen is the odd woman out. And it was never all that obvious until recently. Now that Ben talks and runs, he is ALL boy and his Dad loooooves it. It is pretty cute but I'm finding this "boy stuff" can be a bit scary as a parent. For example, we're on our Sunday hike. As you can see from this first picture, it was pretty cool landscape. So, rather than admiring the crags, my Bolger boys think it would be a fantastic idea to climb. Yep, climb. The kid is only two years old. Then we saw a snail. You can probably guess what happened next. Good thing I brought my antibacterial wipes.

Looks like I have a lot of learning to do (and gray hair to accumulate)...

(We wanted to stick this pic in the bunch because in the heart of that valley sits our new house. On our hikes, we go up from the valley floor to the top of the hills. Now that we live so close, Jeff is actually mountain biking these hills every other day.)

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