Thursday, September 15, 2011

House Under Construction...

No, not our house. We are done with that for a while. But Ben and Jeff were very busy this past Sunday building Ben his own toy house.

The background to this story is that while we were at the Bussi's this past weekend, Maxine had the coolest kid-sized house and Ben loved it. When we asked where they bought it, Paul said he built it himself out of the moving boxes that used a few months back when they moved to San Rafael. BINGO! Now we know what to do with our moving boxes!

So, Ben and Jeff spent a good 2 hours Sunday morning and another hour or two Sunday afternoon building a play house for Ben out of some of our moving boxes. Talk about recycling! The house isn't quite done yet... the foundation and walls are up, some windows are cut but the decoration and painting still need to be done. Stay tuned for more pics when the house is completed. Let's just hope Ben loves the house... but even if he doesn't, he sure did have the best time building it with his Dad :)

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