Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Fair!

The fair came to Monterey last week and I have never missed a year at the Monterey fair and purely by association, neither has our boy Ben! The Monterey fair is fabulous because it is so small town. There are tons of farm animals from cows to goats to ducks to pigs. The soft serve ice cream is world class (in my humble opinion... I'm not biased, or anything) and the rides and games are just good ol' fashioned fun.

Here, Ben is hanging with Idabelle, the lovely calf who, get this, was only 9 months old. Talk about needing to cut back on the formula. It is pretty obvious but Ben wasn't too sure about the lovely, and large, Idabelle... he was more partial to the ducks and goats... closer to his own size...

 A must when going to the fair is to OD on ice cream... and it must be soft serve. Ben and I started out sharing a waffle cone but Ben quickly commandeered the treat and left me with just the last few soggy bites.

And, last but not least, was the train ride with Papa... or as Ben called it... "Papa, Choo Choo!"

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