Tuesday, September 6, 2011

One Good Thing About Hurricane Irene...

Hurricane Irene did some pretty nasty stuff to the east coast 2-ish weeks ago and for our fabulous friends, the Goines family, it forced them to cancel their summer vacation. So... they made lemonade out of lemons and came to visit us for a night in the new house. We, of course, had so much fun with Jenny and Josh, as always, but Jake and Ben were like peas and carrots. They had the best time together playing with the toy cars, the water table, throwing apples in the back yard, singing with their guitars etc etc. Below are a few pics of their play time as well as the best bath EVER... Ben and Jake splashed the entire room from the walls to the floors to Jenny and I but boy, they sure had a good time. Now, poor Ben always asks if Jake is going to come for bath time and the look on his face when I tell him Jake is at his house is pure saddness.

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