Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday Funday in Colorado

Sunday was Pat and Jeff's ski day so Shannon and Jen and the kids had our own day of fun. The morning started with Ben and Olivia both 'cooking' on the couch with tupperware and spoons. About 5 minutes of entertainment... not bad.
 Next on the agenda was the Butterfly Palace... basically an exporatorium type place for insects, fish and butterflies. Ben wasn't too impressed with the butterflies, as you can see from the pic below but Olivia loooooved it.
 Ben, on the other hand loved the fish and splashing in the water. Go figure.
 At night, Shannon and I went into Denver to Canvas and Cocktails where you drink wine and paint. Tons of fun!
 While the Moms were in Denver, the Dads were on toddler patrol. After dinner, the Dads and tots had a tea party.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's upload of the boys' birthday!

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