Saturday, February 19, 2011


So, we're here... finally! Every year, we come to Boulder to celebrate Jeff and his twin brother, Pat's birthday. We had a 2:45am wake up call on Friday AM to get to the airport in time for an early flight and Ben decided he had zero intention of sleeping or keeping any sort of peace from 9:30-12:30am the night before so needless to say, with 2 hours sleep, all 3 Monterey Bolgers landed in Colorado acting and feeling like zombies. But... we're here and that's all that matters. So yesterday after we landed and ate lunch, we walked to the Boulder Bolger's new neighborhood park to let Ben and Olivia run off some of their energy.

 Static electricity, much?!?
 Park time was fun then we BBQd and the kids had bath time. They splashed and splashed and splashed until the walls and floors were soaked. Bath time is usually the time where Ben winds down and starts to get ready for bed but not last night. He and Olivia had so much fun splashing each other and definitely didn't calm each other down.

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