Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bolger Birthday Bash

Jeff and Pat's birthday turned out to be more of a relaxing day because they were so sore from all the black diamond ski runs that they were on the day before. And... unfortunately, Ben came down with a fever. Not the best timing but he was a real trooper. We were planning on going up to the snow to go sledding because the snow had mostly melted in Boulder but the weather didn't like that plan so much. The temp droped quite a bit and the wind picked up so... we made a quick change and started at... get this... Chuck E Cheese. Yes, the boys wanted to take their tots to go play. Ben had never been to CEC and other than being totally dazed from the fever and the motrin, we think he liked it. Olivia loved being there, too.

Here the kids are on the ride together... Olivia is all smiles, Ben is a little out of it :(
 Try picturing a 6-7 foot tall Chuck E Cheese character singing a Justin Bieber song and you will get why Ben isn't smiling in this pic below. Apparently Ben isn't a 'Belieber.'
 Last ride before going to lunch... Ben very busy driving the school bus and Olivia doing a great job at directing the traffic and all the other kids.
 Fast forward a few hours... we went to dinner at Lucky Pie and Greg Gingo came and we all had great pizza. Pizza and Bolgers go together like peas and carrots so it isn't surprising that they wanted Pizza for their birthday dinner.
 Ben looooved Auntie Shannon in a major way...
 Cake Time! Great way to cap off a lovely birthday, a fabulous long weekend and an all around awesome Bolgerfest! 

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