Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday Afternoon on Pearl Street

For Saturday afternoon, we walked around Pearl Street which is Boulder's awesome downtown Pedestrian-only street. Tons of restaurants, shops, street performers etc. Lots of fun and a must for all of our trips here.

We started off walking and window shopping but the tots weren't too thrilled with that. So, true to Colorado's style, the little kiddie areas on Pearl Street are little rock/boulder areas where the kids can rock climb etc. It was a hit. Until they tried to eat the pebbles.
 Dinner time came and we went to BJ's Brewery. The kids were close to a melt down so we knew this could be a disaster. Olivia was pretty good. Ben had his moments... stay tuned for the last pic to see his version of a melt down...
 Greg Gingo, our college friend, just moved to Boulder and has hooked up with Pat and Shannon so he is going full circle with all of us in the Bolger family. Below, Greg is in the middle of a Bolger sandwhich.
 So here is Ben's melt down. He got spaghetti for dinner. As you can see, not much went in his mouth, rather everywhere else in the restaurant except his mouth. LITERALLY. He flung the spaghetti noodles in about a 4 ft radius all around his chair. Everyone started looking (none of our table neighbors were with kids and I doubt they understand that there is no stopping a toddler's melt down while its in progress) and we had no clue what to do because he was just in quite the mood. So... we pretended not to notice. Great parenting, I know. We were at a bit of a loss, not our normal parenting style but it is what it is.

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