Friday, October 22, 2010

Spontaneous Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Wednesdays are typically Mom & Ben days but this Wednesday, I had to run to one of our listings and do a bit of work. Ben tagged along and his treat for being such a good worker with Mom was to go to his favorite park and then to the pumpkin patch at 'The Farm.' Grandma and Grandpa were in the area so they popped over to visit the little rugrat for a few minutes and help him pick out a pumpkin.

The best part about 'The Farm' is that they are an actual farm and have a little petting zoo area for kids with bunnies, chickens, goats and ducks. Ben loved playing with the goat who, although very nice and attentive, was probably just looking to get a nibble on Ben's banana.
 Ben's favorite mode of transportation is to be wheeled around or carried... he must think he was Cleopatra in a former life. Well, being on the pumpkin patch is no different so the little King of Sheeba took to his throne (ie the cart) and got wheeled all around the pumpkin patch.

 First stop... climb all over the hay...
 When it was actually time to pick out a pumpkin, Ben was much more interested in figuring out how to make the cart work. Seriously, Ben... it's not like we're in a pumpkin patch or anything?!
 After much ado, Ben finally picked out his pumpkin! Well that and he now knows everything about the mechanics of carts.
We have a birthday party this weekend which is also at a pumpkin patch so stay tuned for more festive, Halloween pictures. We hope everyone is having a great week! Bolgers

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