Thursday, October 21, 2010

Halloween Comes Early for Jeff Bolger

Halloween came early for Cisco, Jeff's company. It is quarter end on the real week of Halloween which means they'll be working pretty hard with no time for a party. Jeff's building always goes all out for Halloween with a parade, costume contest, lunch etc etc. So this year, his group decided to dress up like super hero smurfs. Jeff is the Green Lantern Smurf. The funniest part of this whole 'thing' is that he'll be driving home from San Jose (1.5hrs) tonight with his blue face paint so you can imagine the looks he'll get from the other commuters since Halloween is over a week away and probably won't have any clue why that strange man has blue face paint on!

They are hoping to take first prize in the parade later today (but are going to have some stiff competion with the Super Mario Bros and Austin Powers Teams) because they apparently got robbed last year!

Here's to a smurfy parade and smurfy win!

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