Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Yes, this post is very long overdue... life for the Bolgers has been a bit busy since we got back from our vacation. So... here goes...

We went to Scottsdale for a week with Grandma and Grandpa (Jacobs) & had a fabulous week of relaxing... well, as much as you can relax with a 15 month old boy. There was lots of pool time and play time for all of us. One of Ben's favorite toys that he played with constantly the entire week was the phone in the condo. Apparently he hasn't been exposed to many land line phones so he was literally on this phone whenever we were inside and he was gabbing into the receiver.
 The pool at the resort also had a splash zone for the kids to run around in and Ben definitely took advantage of it since it was over 100 degrees every day we were there. The people who say, oh, it may be 105 degrees but we're in the dessert and its a dry heat. Let us clear this up right now... 105 degrees is 105 degrees no matter where you are... hence, the splash zone...
 Every day began and ended with pool time for Ben and the adults. The daily 9:00am water aerobics class looved having Ben swim up and splash all the exercisers...
 Jeff & Jen got to go on a hike one morning to Pinacle Peak. We started at 8:00am but by 9:00am, the heat was fairly unbearable... but all in all, great views, good exercise, plenty of water = good adventure.

 Lunch time with Papa was always the highlight of Ben's day (& Papa's too)
 One of our good college friends, Sean Hood, is living in Pheonix just below Camelback Mountain. So, we went over for dinner and met his wife, Nicolle and their beautiful daughter, Elora. Ben and Elora got on famously and played like old friends.

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