Thursday, October 14, 2010


We got to go on a road trip, just the two of us, for a day to Sedona while Ben played with Grandma & Grandpa. Sedona was a 3ish hour trip and well worth the drive. The highlight, as far as Jen was concerned, was getting our aura read by an Elvis impersonator (side burns, gold sunglasses and all). Unfortunately, we didn't get any pics with him but as we were leaving, he did say : 'thank ya very much' (with an Elvis accent) which gave us a good laugh.
 The landscape and scenery of Sedona is pretty amazing. As seen in the pic above, it is almost like being on another planet.
 Jeff's favorite part of the trip was our 4x4 adventure out to Hopi Indian dwellings that dated back to 1100-1400. We took our little Ford Escape rental on the back roads which were beyond bumpy, rocky etc etc. We weren't sure we would make it at a few spots on the 'road' but the rental car got us through. Since the trip in was pretty tricky, there were very few people there so it was basically just us and this incredible location. The rooms and houses and heiroglyphics of the Hopi were still very intact and it was very easy to picture them living at this spot. Pretty incredible.
 This last pic was the entrance into Sedona with all the spectacular rock formations behind us. We tried to get to one of the energy vortexes but either we didn't feel anything or we missed them completely... we aren't really sure which one. All we know was that it was a really fun day!

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