Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Ben Bolger!

Somehow, our little baby is a year old today and on his way to being a little man. It is beyond amazing to think that a year ago, he came into our world and life has never been the same since... in a good way, of course! Yeah, super cheesy, we know. But still amazing. We have our 1 year appointment next week where we'll get his height/weight/etc stats but for the time being, here is what we can tell you about this little man:

BEN'S LOVES - all fruit especially raspberries, vanilla frozen yogurt, grandma & grandpa's dog stella, swings at the park, riding in Uncle Jon's boat, fountains & swimming.
BEN'S NON-LOVES - broccoli (I don't blame him), bed time, mom & dad having to work when he wants to play, the sound of sneezing... that's about it, he's a pretty mellow little man.
BEN'S SO SO THINGS - Sophie Lou (depends if she wants to play with him or not), nap time & long car rides (unless Dad sits in the back seat with him and plays).

Cheers to you, little man!


  1. Time flys when they are young. I heard it starts slowing down when they get older =).

    Happy Birthday Ben!!

  2. Happy Birthday cutie pie Ben!! Can't believe it's already been a year, sheesh time flies!
