Friday, July 9, 2010

4th of July in Rocklin

For 4th of July, we drove up to Rocklin to spend time with Jen's brother and his family. On Saturday, we took the boat out for a spin & Jeff wake surfed & Jen tubbed. As if this is hard to believe, Ben took a good long nap while on the boat. But... for the first part of the trip that he was awake, he was loving the boat and looking pretty comfortable with his "sea legs."

Jeff grew up on the lakes in Seattle so water skiing, wake surfing etc is right up his alley. Not lookin' half bad, either!
Ben is definitely a water baby. He spent a good majority of Saturday afternoon and 4th of July Sunday in Jon's pool just floating around and mingling with all the party go-ers who came to visit.
Jon's neighborhood has a huge block party every year to celebrate Independance day. Ben was in his first parade and Jeff was grill master. Rocklin is insanely hot so it was nice to drive back to Monterey's 65 degree weather after a weekend of near melting temperatures. Regardless, it was a super fun weekend and a great celebration!

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