Monday, July 12, 2010

Ben's First Cake Experience

Ben had his first cupcake on his actual birthday, last Thursday. We've seen babies who don't quite know what to do with this new, foreign object for a few minutes but not our Ben. As you can see in the following pictures, he took about 10 seconds to scope out the situation, put one hand in then the second hand and started shoveling cupcake in his mouth. Yep... we've got a sweet tooth on our hands...

BEFORE SUGAR... loving the attention from Mom, Dad, Sister Sophie Lou & both sets of grandparents JUST FIGURING OUT THE SUGARY GOODNESS : Both hands are involved at this point but it isn't quite the furocious shoveling that followed a few minutes later

AFTER THE SUGARY GOODNESS : Cupcake is done... not a scrap and crumb left... except the bits thrown on the floor that Sophie Lou is very happily eating
Timing - Not a second wasted, Ben is a true Bolger and hoovers his food, A+
Effort - quite a few crumbs wasted on the floor so a small downgrade to A-
Grace - very well orchestrated devour-ment deserves a big A+

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