Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Love Birds Reunite

A few weekends back, we met the Bussi fam at Happy Hollow in San Jose so Ben and Maxine could rekindle their flame. We had a great time and the tots had a ton of fun together. By the end of the day, Ben was kissing Maxine's head and Maxine was giving Ben hugs. Happy Hollow was really cool... lots of rides, a zoo and a great play ground.

Our first ride was the carosel... typically one of Ben's favs but he just wasn't into this "baby ride" one bit.

Ben is a Bolger boy which means he looooves lunch time. In this pic, you might think Ben is just cranky but what you can't see is that he is eyeing the basket of fries of the people in front of us. Bolger boys and fries go together like peas and carrots.

Here the boys and tots are at the very top of the 3 story play ground. Ben and Maxine ran up and down this play structure for literally 30ish minutes without a single break.

The petting zoo was very cool. Ben got to go into the farm animal pen and feed some overly friendly goats. He can now 'baaaa' like a goat.

After a long day at the park, Ben literally passed out 5 minutes after getting into the car. The first minute was spent chugging water from his sippy cup. Minute two through 4 was spent hoovering down a snack. Minute five = pass out with crumbs on face and shirt and not caring one bit. Good sign of a fun day at Happy Hollow with the Bussis!

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