Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kinder Jam

Wooops! I am so very behind on blogging... work and life has gotten pretty busy and chaotic in the last few weeks. But... I am aiming to be back on track with updating this site so come back regularly for our latest and greatest!

Wednesdays are my day with Ben and we start each Wednesday at Kinder Jam. Kinder Jam is a music-dance-run around in circles type class for toddlers. We've been going for about 2 months now and Ben has decided he isn't so much into signing and dancing with the ribbons (see lack of ribbon entheusiasm below) and pom pom waving as he is into chasing after the bouncy balls, playing with the parachute and anything that lets him chase after 4 year old Claudio. 
Here, Ben is taking a quick rest on the floor after having chased Claudio for half of the class.

1 comment:

  1. Glad the Bolgers are BACK! I've missed your updates the last few weeks! Hope to see you in person SOON!
