Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sweet Baby Boy... Not So Much a Baby Anymore...

Today, Ben is 2 months shy of his 2nd birthday. How the time goes so quickly, we have no clue. Here are a few of his latest and greatest achievements, discoveries etc :

Fav Food : Guacamole, Raspberries, Bell Peppers, Oatmeal (Ben calls them "ohs"), Pizza (Ben calls it "izza") and anything with sauce that he can dip his food into, be it salsa, ranch, dressing etc.

Fav Activities : Anything in or with water, Bubbles (Ben calls them "buh-boze"), running everywhere, chasing Sophie Lou lovingly referred to as "Goggie."

New Words : Calliou (the name of the only TV show he will watch for a whole 5-6 minutes), Beam (which is supposd to be ice cream), Star, Battery, Birdie

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