Monday, June 13, 2011

Birthday Par-Tay, Part 1

This past Saturday, we drove up to San Francisco to celebrate the 2nd birthday of Jenny and Josh's son, Jake Goines. His party was a train theme and took place at a great park in the Presidio. Ben always has fun with Jake who is only a month and 4 days older so they are at the same stage in life. Ben also really loved hanging out with Khloe Koontz, he really has a thing for cute blondes.

Ben is addicted to bubbles, or "Bubboshe" as he calls them. He was at the bubble station a good majority of the party. Here he is playing with Jake Drogin (standing) and Jake Goines (center)...

There was a point in the party where all the kids were in the club house and I noticed this cute little girl in purple with really wet kinda sticky hair. It looked like hair gel so I assumed her Mom tried to do her hair but just did a really bad job. So... on the way home from the party, Jeff was driving and I decided to take a peek at the pics Jeff took all day... and I see this pic... now I know why the cute girl in purple had wet, sticky hair... all thanks to Ben Bolger bopping her on the head with the wet bubble wand over and over. I guess that is one way of flirting with the ladies.

Outside of the gated club house was a fantastic park and a huge lawn and of course, Ben made it his mission to get out of the gate to get to the big kid play ground. After 2 escapes, we had to get a tad smarter and jammed the locks a bit so the toddlers couldn't get out. Well, Ben and Jake got a little cranky that we locked them in... Here they are egging each other on trying to find some way to get out... but they didn't.
Parents = 1, Toddlers = 0

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, good post! Poor little girl in purple, ha ha, love it! LOVED seeing you guys on Saturday, cant wait for BB's birthday!
