Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunny Saturday Afternoon

Saturday was a gorgeous day so being a true Bolger trifecta, we spent a majority of the day outside. We started off with a hike in the Fort Ord hills behind Toro Park. It was a big mountain biking expedition in those hills this weekend so Ben and Jeff looooved to see all the awesome bikes and the hard core bikers.

After our hike, we went to The Farm... the coolest place ever. It is a working farm with organic produce as well as a little petting zoo for toddlers. Ben loved 'talking' to the chickens and ducks. Below is a pic of Ben moving his arms up and down like chicken wings, what you can hear is his impression of a du-kin, part chicken part duck sound. Pretty cute. Inside the Farm was a bunch of new born chicks and Ben was entralled with them and we literally had to pull him away from them.

Once we got home, Ben so nicely asked to play out back with the hose. Sure he has that great water table toy in the back but what would he rather play with? Yep... the hose... after he 'accidentally' sprayed Mom, he watered all the flowers and the lawn.

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