Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hike in the Hills

We took a hike in our favorite hills this past weekend after weeks and weeks of non stop rain. The river was flowing (it is usually a dry creek bed), the lake had doubled in size and the hills were greener than we can ever remember.

Here Jeff & Ben had to cross the 'river' to get to the start of the hiking trail.
 Pre-requisite Ben snoozing pic... the green blob on Jeff's back... that's Ben...
 When Ben is napping on our hikes is when we get to chat about the important stuff since there is a 45 minute stretch of no interruptions.
 Ben and Jeff trecking along. Ben loves the back pack, I think he feels like he is in command of Jeff much like Ben is on a horse dictating where to go, speed up, turn left etc etc.
 A pretty pic from the top of the peak we hiked too. Fog starting to roll away, green hills, no one around... Not a bad Saturday morning.

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