Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter, Part 2

After our egg hunt at Gommie & Papa's, we went over to Pasadera for their annual Easter party and brunch. Ben had a second egg hunt and scored big time!
 Ben also met the Easter Bunny for the first time and he wasn't too thrilled... at least at their first meeting. Ben and the bunny quickly became good friends.
 All the other toddlers stayed very far away from the bunny but not Ben, not our fearless little man.
 Since no other kids wanted time with the Easter Bunny, Ben monopolized his time. Never a bad time for 'peek-a-boo!'
 Ben : "Take that, Easter Bunny!"
 After playing with Mr. Bunny and a big lunch, Ben was an exhausted little man and literally had to be carried to the car (which is very rare - Ben would much rather run everywhere rather than be carried).

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