Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What to do when you can't play outside?

You become very creative indoors in order to entertain your toddler!

There are some scrub jays who dive bomb our back yard a few times a day and/or sit on our patio furniture and hang out. Well, usually we are out and about having fun in the sun but with the rain, we haven't been able to be outside much. So... as we were locked inside this past Saturday, we tried to lure the scrub jays to hang out on the patio so we could watch them have fun otuside.

Here is the lone scrub jay eyeing our back yard.
 Jeff put bread all over our patio so the scrub jay would come to dine while...
 we wait patiently in the living room so we can watch them... First problem, scrub jays are smarter than we thought and could see us through the living room doors hence they didn't want to dine with an audience. Second problem, Ben is not patient.
 Third problem... the pretty blue scrub jay was scared off by the big, nasty black crow (pictured below sitting on our fence and keeping watch on the bread) who actually scared us a bit, too.
You might be wondering how this little experiment ended... well, by 7:00pm, Ben lost any interest and went to bed. When we all woke up Sunday morning, the bread was gone. We were, unfortunately, out smarted by the birds.

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