Sunday, March 6, 2011

Taking Advantage of the Sun...

Saturday was a gorgeous day. The sun was out, we were all up early and the little man was in a great mood. So, we decided to take advantage of the sun while it was here and go on a 5 mile hike in Fort Ord/Toro Hills area. There has been so much rain recently that we've had little opportunity to get outside and another plus was that the little ponds have grown to big ponds.
 Half way thru our hike, Ben decided it was a better idea to snooze vs take in the scenery. See the white hat/blob thing in the back pack on Jeff's back? That's Ben snoozing away.

Of course we woke up Sunday morning to rain which is zero fun. Good thing we got outside yesterday. Perhaps we'll let Ben stomp in some puddles today?!? Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!

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