Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dinner Out

It's a big deal for us to go out to dinner now-a-days because Ben really isn't that well behaved after 4:30pm. So going out to dinner is a real treat mainly because someone else has to clean up what our little toddler throwns on the floor. Saturday night, we went out to dinner with Gommie & Papa to celebrate Jeff's 33rd birthday and boy, it really was a treat to have a night 'off!'

Birthday Boy!
 Ben was actually really well behaved on Saturday night, which, it's sad to say we were shocked. We anticipated the worst and brought back up toys and things to distract him but he did great. Here, Ben is sitting with Gommie & Papa settling into his seat. The waiter doesn't realize that this little boy's tummy is growling... he will, though... soon. Very soon...
... Now the waiter gets it! The waiter is on the opposite side of the table getting the full force of Ben's yelp for an appetizer.

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